Westfalen's reputation for success depends on strong mare lines. Mare performance tests are offered for mares of any breed with eligiblity for a Westfalen mare book. Mare tests give breeders opportunities for objective evaluation, as well as the chance to compare one mare's performance qualities with a larger population. The mare performance test is not a prerequisite for entry in the studbook. However, the test must be taken so that a mare who is eligible by pedigree can be awarded the title Elite Mare.
Mare Performance Tests are offered at selected inspection sites. Mares are evaluated first in hand on the triangle, then at liberty for evaluation of gaits, and also free jumping. Mares are then shown under saddle with their usual rider, asked to perform a simple test appropriate to age and level of training. Next, a qualified test rider will ride the mare through the same test, to evaluate rideability and gaits. For questions about the preparation and presentation of your mare in a mare performance test please email office@westfalen-na.com, and we will send you more information