Westfalen continues a strong tradition with its breeding population of Haflingers, the sturdy and versatile breed originally named for the Tyrolean village of Hafling in what is now Austria. Haflinger is a pure breed, known not only for its rich copper chestnut coat and long flaxen-white mane and tail, but also for trustworthy character traits and sturdiness that have made this versatile breed so useful in the past and into the present.
Haflinger is both elegant and substantial, with solid bone, good feet and constitution, and quality gaits. The Westfalen breeding program for the Haflinger horse follows the same standard as the Austrian Haflinger association, emphasizing character, quality of gaits and conformation, and classic adherence to Haflinger type. The Haflinger is successful in nearly all equestrian competition, including dressage, jumping, vaulting, driving, western, trail riding, and more, and is well known as a trustworthy family horse. The Haflinger breed books are closed, as Haflinger is a pure breed. No outside breeds are allowable.